Sheep Not Goats was an IRS-registered 501(c) (3) charitable organization until the end of 2024. We worked along with our wonderful donors to help the poor in Nicaragua for 12-1/2 years, but all good things must end. We divided the farm among 3 of our workers, gave our house to one, built a house for another, helped one start a transportation business, and wrapped up the knitting for Sheep Dreamzzz Baby Blankets (although we still have blankets – go to

We are no longer accepting donations. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

We employed many people in building the from an empty corner of a very large field. There’s a 150-ft-deep well and 100% of our energy comes from  solar energy thanks to several generous gifts from a single donor.

Sheep Dreamzzz Baby Blankets

Sandy taught local women to knit beautiful baby blankets and loveys. The women knitted inside our home, mostly in our living room on couches and rocking chairs, talking, listening to music, and working together to ensure that as many as possible finish a blanket every week. At one point we had as many as 24 knitters.

We are still selling from our blanket inventory, and although each knitter was paid upon completion of her blanket, we are still setting aside an additional 10% which we will periodically send down to Nicaragua for them.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira